Mega Ace

RTP (Return to Player - Zwrot do Gracza)


Rezygnacja Reela


Lucky Spin


Sposoby na Wygraną


Maksymalna Wygrana


Wskaźnik Trafień




Zakres Stawek

$1 to $100

O tej grze

Mega Ace (JILI): GAME Review & Theme

Mega Ace is a slot game designed by Jili, featuring a 6-reel setup and offering players an enticing 46656 ways to win, all while boasting a respectable 97% return to player (RTP) rate. The game's volatility level can be described as moderate, offering players a middle ground between frequent smaller wins and the excitement of pursuing larger prizes.

Prepare to immerse yourself in the captivating world of Mega Ace Slot Game, where classic gaming elements seamlessly merge with visually engaging card-themed graphics and a host of enticing features. This exciting slot adventure is proudly crafted by JILI Slot Games, a name synonymous with innovation and top-notch casino experiences.

With its unique 6-reel layout and a staggering 46,656 ways to play, Mega Ace ensures plenty of opportunities to score significant rewards. Keep an eye out for the Wild Joker symbols, ready to step in and substitute for other symbols, enhancing your chances of creating those coveted winning combinations. As you collect scatter symbols, you'll trigger the Free Spin bonus game, setting the stage for consecutive wins boosted by ever-increasing multipliers. Additionally, the Golden Card feature adds an extra layer of thrill as it flips over and transforms into Jokers, delivering additional payouts to keep the excitement levels soaring. So, head over to BC.GAME and take a spin on Mega Ace's reels for your shot at incredible prizes.

About Mega Ace at BC.GAME

At BC.GAME, the Mega Ace is a video slot that breaks the mold with its unique 6-reel, 6-row layout, and cascading mechanics, presenting an impressive 46,656 ways to enjoy the game. Positioned in the realm of moderate volatility, Mega Ace offers players a balanced gaming experience, striking a sweet spot between regular payouts and the excitement of chasing bigger wins. While it doesn't entirely eliminate risk, its moderate volatility ensures that players can indulge in the game without taking on overly significant financial risks.

One of the standout features of Mega Ace is its potential for substantial winnings, offering a maximum exposure of 1,500 times the initial stake. What's more, players can take solace in its impressive 97% RTP (Return to Player), assuring them that their bankroll won't rapidly dwindle away.

Mega Ace doesn't just excel in gameplay; it also seamlessly adapts to modern gaming trends. Crafted to perform flawlessly on both iOS and Android devices, it delivers the utmost convenience to players who favor mobile gaming platforms. Whether you're on the go or relaxing at home, you can easily immerse yourself in the game's engaging world directly from your smartphone, enjoying its exciting features and potential rewards.

Pay Table and Bet Size

At BC.GAME, Mega Ace is an enthralling video slot adventure set across 6 reels and 6 rows, featuring cascading mechanics that create an exhilarating 46656 Ways to Win. This game falls within the medium volatility range, striking a harmonious balance between excitement and risk, ensuring players can savor the thrill without undertaking substantial gambles. With a tantalizing maximum win potential of 1,500 times the initial wager, it presents an opportunity for substantial payouts. The betting range is thoughtfully designed to accommodate a wide spectrum of players, commencing at a modest $1 and ascending to a maximum of $100 per spin, making it equally appealing to both casual gamers and high rollers.

In this game, players will come across two Joker Cards, which are represented as Greater Jokers and Lesser Jokers Symbols. These symbols serve as Wild Symbols, significantly increasing the potential for forming winning combinations. Additionally, the 'Coin' symbol, which acts as a Scatter, adds an extra layer of excitement to the gameplay.

The remaining symbols draw inspiration from traditional playing card suits, including 7, 8, 9, A, K, Q, J, Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs. The payouts for these symbols are as follows: 7, 8, and 9 offer rewards of 0.02x, 0.04x, 0.06x, and 0.1x your stake.

Moving on to the Clubs and Diamonds symbols, they contribute payouts of 0.1x, 0.15x, 0.2x, and 0.3x your bet, while the Spades and Hearts symbols provide players with rewards of 0.2x, 0.3x, 0.4x, and 0.5x their stake. The excitement intensifies with the J symbol, offering payouts of 0.3x, 0.5x, 1x, and 1.5x your wager, followed by the Q and K symbols with prizes of 0.4x, 0.75x, 1x, and 1.5x the bet. Finally, the A symbol takes the lead with generous payouts of 1x, 1.25x, 1.5x, and 2.5x, presenting players with numerous opportunities to amass their winnings.

Features of Mega Ace (JILI)

Mega Ace Slot offers an array of captivating features, including wild symbols, scatter symbols, free spin bonus games, golden cards, greater jokers, and matching multipliers. The wild symbol adds excitement by substituting for other symbols, boosting your chances of forming winning combinations. Trigger the free spin bonus game with the scatter symbol and experience consecutive wins with escalating multipliers, elevating your earnings. Keep an eye out for golden cards, which can flip over and transform into greater jokers, delivering additional payouts. The matching multiplier feature is a standout, providing ample opportunities for substantial wins.

Wild Symbols, Expanding Symbols

In Mega Ace, the Joker Cards function as wild symbols, possessing the distinct capability to stand in for any symbol found on the reels except for the Scatter. Their role is crucial in the formation of winning combinations by filling in for missing symbols, significantly enhancing your opportunities for securing rewarding outcomes.

The Mega Ace slot introduces two distinct types of Joker Cards:

1. Greater Jokers: Greater Jokers are extraordinary wild symbols that materialize when you successfully match Lesser Jokers. The presence of a Greater Joker initiates an exhilarating transformation. It randomly converts symbols on the reels into individual Lesser Jokers, with the quantity of Lesser Jokers generated determined by the size of the original symbol.

2. Lesser Jokers: Lesser Jokers are wild symbols that emerge when you match Golden Cards. These symbols play a pivotal role in creating winning combinations and amplifying your potential rewards. When a Lesser Joker combines with other matching symbols, it significantly boosts your chances of attaining substantial wins.

Golden Card

Golden Cards exclusively make appearances on reels 2, 3, 4, and 5. When a "Golden Card" is successfully matched, it undergoes a transformation, changing into a Joker instead. Both "Golden Cards" and regular cards are treated as identical symbols, offering opportunities for matching and earning rewards.

Cascading Reels

Starting a winning combination triggers the Elimination feature, which eliminates the successful cards from the game board and replaces them with new symbols falling from above. This process continues as long as players continue to achieve wins.

Match Multiplier

The Match Multiplier feature within Mega Ace is a valuable tool for boosting your winning potential. It determines the multiplier applied to your winnings when you achieve a successful combination.

Here's how the Match Multiplier functions:

During regular gameplay, the Match Multiplier presents itself as x1, x2, x3, x4, and x5. Your winnings are multiplied by the corresponding value.

With the first attempt of each spin, the Match Multiplier starts at x1. Upon securing a prize with the initial attempt, the multiplier advances to x2. Subsequent successful combinations further elevate the multiplier to x3, x4, and ultimately x5. This presents the opportunity for your winnings to increase with each triumphant spin.

Nevertheless, if a spin fails to generate a prize, the multiplier reverts to x1 for the subsequent spin. Therefore, striving for winning combinations is essential for maximizing your rewards.

Free Spins, Scatter Symbols

Gather three Scatter Patterns to receive 10 free games, and gain an additional two free games for each extra Scatter Pattern collected. During the free games, the Match Multiplier is doubled, with values of "x2, x4, x6, x8, and x10." The Match Multiplier in free games functions similarly to the one in regular games, but with the numbers doubled. If you manage to collect three more Scatter Patterns while in the free games, you'll be rewarded with 5 additional free games.

Extra Bets

To enable the Extra Bet feature, you'll need to pay an additional 50% of your betting amount. When activated, the Extra Bet Mode Win Points are calculated as the base bet multiplied by the odds. In regular games, the Match Multiplier is enhanced to "x2, x3, x4, and x5." This means that in normal games, the multiplier for the initial spin attempt starts at x2. In free games, the Match Multiplier is boosted to "x4, x6, x8, and x10." Consequently, in free games, the multiplier for the first spin attempt commences at x4.

Feature Buy-In

The "Buy Bonus" feature provides you with the opportunity to immediately initiate the free spins feature, circumventing the requirement for these features to naturally activate during your regular gameplay. Nevertheless, this convenience usually comes at an additional cost, often determined as a multiple of your total wager. Opting for the bonus purchase grants immediate access to the bonus round, enabling you to compete for its associated rewards without the necessity of initiating it manually through reel spins. This feature acts as a way to accelerate your gameplay and potentially unlock the game's more profitable aspects.

Mega Ace (JILI): Summary

Mega Ace by JILI at BC.GAME offers a captivating and dynamic slot gaming experience. With its innovative features, including cascading mechanics, Wild Joker symbols, and the Match Multiplier, players are in for a thrilling ride. The game's moderate volatility creates a harmonious blend of regular wins and the possibility of significant payouts, catering to a diverse player audience. The 6x6 layout and 46656 ways to win add to the excitement, providing ample opportunities to land winning combinations. The inclusion of mobile compatibility ensures that you can enjoy this exciting slot wherever you go. So, if you're looking for an engaging and rewarding slot game with a maximum win potential of 1500x your stake, Mega Ace is undoubtedly worth a spin.

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